Friday, March 8, 2013

Zero Waste Challenges


Yaay my first entry after hmmm…like forever. There’s once upon a time when I write journal every day but then lost the passion for several last year. Then again I feel it start to burn my chest lately..the tingling sensation when your finger dance on the keyboard. Thanks to my ART (asisten rumah tangga slash housekeeper). Why oh why this has something to do with her? Because it’s all start when she quit. YES. I have to do all of things related to MY household then. Not that I never do it before but this specifically put me in condition where I have to deal with THE GARBAGE. Yes again. The. Garbage.

You know when other people do something for you so naturally that what they done go beyond your radar? That’s what happens with my ART and THE GARBAGE. I always know she always throw THE GARBAGE to the river near my house, and the guilt of it nearly banished with reason that my neighborhood doesn’t have other alternatives. No public waste management service in the area, the closest TPS (tempat pembuangan sementara) was like half an hour trip by car. I love my country but this real big problem still without any solution. I once care about things like this in college but since I have to deal with other problems, I lost my sensitivity about it.

Until NOW.

I’m an environmental engineer and throw MY GARBAGE to the RIVER?!!

A big NO NO.

Astaghfirullah, what happen with people full with theory inside their head but done nothing about it? I have to do something. I have to do something. I. Have. To. Do. Something. Wake with the realization one morning, I start the challenge. The challenge to produce ZERO WASTE in my house. Meaning no more throwing things to the abused river.
Next question. HOW? Tell you later. Now I only want to say thanks to my ART. Oh yeah, the journal thing. I keep it to documented whole process of it, hopefully. It somewhat cheers me up when I lost my passion. Again. Wish not too lazy to do exactly that.

1 comment:

  1. semangaaaatt!!! acha acha fighting!! ;)
    *saya follow ah... supaya bisa nyontoh*

    btw, waktu tgl di balikpapan, kami gak punya tkg sampah yg angkut sampah krmh2 ky wkt di cimahi. semua org hrs buang sampah ke tempat2 sampah besar yg tersedia dijalan2 pada waktu yg telah ditentukan. truk sampah hanya mengangkut sampah di bak2 besar tsb. bisa ya kayanya dicontoh kota lain :D
